Shoulder-Strengthening Exercises
If you have pain in your rotator cuff, it may help to do shoulder strengthening exercises at home.The muscles that make up your rotator cuff can be prone to inflammation and tears if you do the same overhead motions too often
That pain in your leg could lead to more nagging pain in the future
According to one study, iliotibial band syndrome is one of the most common injuries in runners presenting with lateral knee pain, with an incidence estimated between 5% and 14%
Trochlea dysplasia, increased TT-TG distance and patella alta are risk factors for developing first-time and recurrent patella dislocation: a systematic review
The aim of the study was to perform a systematic review and best knowledge synthesis of the present literature concerning biomechanical risk factors for developing first-time and recurrent patella dislocation.
The clinical impact of re-tears after repair of posterosuperior rotator cuff tears: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The aim of this review and meta-analysis is to assess recent clinical trials concerning the combination of operative treatment of rotator cuff tears and the administration of PRP and its effect on clinical scores and postoperative retear rates.
Isometric Shoulder Exercises
Isometric exercise is a type of exercise in which you contract certain muscles without any other movement. A physical therapist may prescribe isometric shoulder exercises if you have pain or need to regain normal shoulder range of motion, strength, and/or mobility.